Rep. Jackson Announces 2024 Congressional Art Competition Winner
April 25, 2024
Amarillo, TX — Today, Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) announced the winner of the 2024 Congressional Art Competition for Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District. This annual contest is held among high school students across the country for the chance to have their artwork featured in the United States Capitol for their respective districts for one year. Jackson said: “Congratulations to Ashlyn Akemon for securing first place in the 2024 Congressional Art Competition for Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District. Ashlyn’s artwork depicts vintage cars against the iconic backdrop of the Conoco Station on Route 66 in Shamrock, Texas, and unmistakably embodies this year’s theme of Texas Thirteen Landscapes and Landmarks. Thank you to all participants, parents, and teachers who helped make this year’s contest possible. I look forward to seeing Ashlyn’s artwork displayed in the United States Capitol soon!" As this year’s first-place winner, Ashlyn Akemon’s piece, titled The Vintage Collection will hang in the United States Capitol alongside winning pieces from other Congressional Districts for one year. Ashlyn is from Shamrock, Texas, and is a senior in Kelton ISD. The Congressional Art Competition has recognized the artistic talents of young students nationwide since 1982. Dozens of students from multiple high schools across Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District participated in the competition this year. Submissions consisted of photographs, drawings, paintings, and computer-generated art. |