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Rep. Jackson Votes to Block the New WOTUS Rule

WASHINGTON — Yesterday, Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) voted to block the Biden administration’s disastrous new Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. This rule would significantly expand the federal government’s jurisdiction over every body of water, no matter how small or temporary it may be, placing crushing regulations on farmers, ranchers, and small business owners. 

The vote to block the WOTUS rule passed the House by a vote of 227-198

Jackson said: “The Biden administration's new Waters of the United States rule is once again causing confusion and uncertainty for the farmers and ranchers in my district. This new WOTUS rule is the latest example of how the Biden administration wants to dictate and control every aspect of American agriculture to appease radical environmentalists. Under this new rule, landowners will be subject to the federal government's case-by-case determinations on every body of water on their land. This will undoubtedly lead to increased regulations and bureaucratic challenges, which is why I voted to block this rule from going into effect. I urge the Senate to pass this crucial legislation and send it to the President immediately."
