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Rep. Jackson Secures Major Victories for TX-13 in Fiscal Year 2024’s NDAA

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) championed Texas’ defense priorities during the House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024. Jackson issued the following statement in support of the legislation, which passed out of committee by a vote of 58-1. The NDAA is expected to be considered on the House Floor in the coming weeks.

Jackson said: "I am pleased to announce that the NDAA markup conducted this week for Fiscal Year 2024 was highly successful for Texas’ Thirteenth Congressional District, including key provisions to support Sheppard Air Force Base, Bell Helicopter, the Pantex Plant, and the entire workforce in my district. This year’s NDAA takes important steps to provide our military with the resources needed to adequately deter our adversaries and, if needed, defeat them in a future conflict. I was also proud to include important provisions to defund destructive and unnecessary diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the Department of Defense while also providing relief to servicemembers who were targeted and harmed by the Biden administration’s illegal COVID vaccine mandate. Having retired as a Navy Rear Admiral, and now as a legislator, I take immense pride in advocating for our district's defense priorities. The nearly unanimous passage of the bill out of the House Armed Services Committee is an important legislative step, and I look forward to it being considered on the floor in the coming weeks. The NDAA has been signed into law annually for over six decades, and I expect this year to be no different.”

HASC Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) said: “Rep. Ronny Jackson has brought our committee a wealth of knowledge and expertise. I thank Rep. Jackson for his continued advocacy of future vertical lift capabilities and for his hard work to boost modernization of our nuclear deterrent and ensure our special operations forces have the resources they need.”

Topline Wins:

  • 5.2% pay raise for servicemembers
  • Reinforces and emphasizes the significance and importance of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training program’s extension to 2036
  • Gives the military the resources necessary to confront China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea
  • Defunds many Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) operations in the U.S. military
  • Modernizes the nuclear triad, greatly benefiting Pantex
  • Protects cadets and midshipmen from politically motivated vaccine mandates 


  • Critical upgrades for Bell Helicopter’s H-1 and V-22 aircraft and ensures the V-280’s continued development
  • Over $200m in funding for major construction projects at Pantex, including:
    • $83m for the HE Synthesis, Formulation and Production Facility
    • $101m for the HE Science & Engineering Facility
    • $35m for the Analytic Gas Laboratory
  • Addresses the management and operation contract issues at Pantex by restricting the Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) funding until there is accountability
  • Accelerates modernization efforts at Pantex by providing NNSA greater flexibility to fund minor construction projects 
  • Requires an update on modernization efforts underway at Pantex
  • Authorizes funding for, and directs, a focus on vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft capabilities for military logistics support
  • Directs the NNSA to improve the security and defensive capabilities at Pantex

Kevin Carter, President and CEO of the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, said: “We are thrilled to recognize the dedication of Congressman Jackson to the Amarillo community. His commitment has helped secure many wins for Amarillo in our defense and energy sectors and will have a significant impact on our local workforce and economy. On behalf of Amarillo and the Panhandle region, we want to extend our gratitude to Congressman Jackson for his hard work to ensure a prosperous future for our city.”

Lisa Atherton, President and CEO of Bell, said: “Congressman Jackson has long been an ally of the Department of Defense (DOD) vertical lift modernization efforts. In particular, his support for full funding of the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program is vital to the U.S. Army and our national security interests. Our team, including the highly skilled workers in Amarillo, are excited to partner with the Army on FLRAA to set a strong program foundation that will deliver Army Aviation transformational speed and range. We are excited to expand our investments in facilities and our workforce alongside the Amarillo community and with Congressman Jackson. His leadership, support, and advocacy helps ensure warfighters have the technological advantage they need to compete and win.”

Wichita Falls:

  • Ensures the continued success of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training program and seeks to expand the program in the future
  • Directs the Department of Defense to protect critical military training routes for Sheppard Air Force Base
  • Mandates the development of a roadmap for the accelerated delivery of the new T-7 Redhawk to Sheppard Air Force Base
  • Seeks to address T-7 program delays and T-38 engine shortages
  • Calls for a report on the modernization of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program

Glenn Barham, President of the Sheppard Military Affairs Committee, said: “In this year’s NDAA, Congressman Jackson has delivered numerous provisions that will positively impact Sheppard Air Force Base and the entire Wichita Falls community. Not only did Congressman Jackson rightfully celebrate the extension of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training program, but his work in the House Armed Services Committee will help modernize the program and help to get the T-7 to Sheppard as soon as possible. I was also pleased to see that Congressman Jackson is ensuring we address the T-38 engine backlog and seeking ways to protect our critical military training routes. Congressman Jackson has always strongly advocated for the Thirteenth Congressional District of Texas. In this year’s NDAA, he has once again secured resources and efforts to modernize Sheppard Air Force Base and ensure the Wichita Falls community continues to be strong and grow.”


  • Examines ways to utilize additive manufacturing for thermal protection systems for hypersonic weapons 
  • Mandates the Department of Defense to leverage collaboration with academic partners, like the University of North Texas, to develop personal protection systems

Dr. Neal Smatresk, President of the University of North Texas, said: “The University of North Texas, a Carnegie-ranked Tier One public research university, deeply appreciates the great work Congressman Jackson is doing on the House Armed Services Committee and the key provisions he secured to advance important research at UNT. We thank the Congressman for authoring language to enhance the development for personal protection systems for U.S. warfighters and advance cutting-edge research into additive manufacturing related to hypersonic weapons systems. UNT is proud to continue working closely with the U.S. Department of Defense and industry partners on research initiatives that keep our nation and our military personnel safe, and we look forward to continuing to work with Congressman Jackson in doing just that.”

Foreign Policy

  • Directs an evacuation plan be developed for Taiwan to prepare for a possible future Chinese invasion
  • Seeks to expand Israel’s participation in multinational organizations and military task forces
  • Develops a concrete plan to create a naval blockade for fossil fuel shipments to China
  • Reviews biological threats our servicemembers can be subjected to worldwide
  • States the U.S. should not reduce its force posture and capabilities in the Indo-Pacific
  • Prohibits any taxpayer funds from being transferred to the Taliban

Conservative Priorities

  • Ensures the training standards for Navy SEALs is not negatively impacted by the Biden administration’s harmful DEI agenda
  • Defunds the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
  • Prohibits the Department of Defense from punishing a cadet or midshipman for not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Takes steps to restore the apolitical nature of the Office of the Attending Physician to the United States Congress
  • Restricts drag shows from occurring on military bases
  • Prohibits critical race theory from being taught at the military service academies
