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Rep. Jackson Appointed to Serve on House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

WASHINGTON — Yesterday, Representative Ronny Jackson (TX-13) was appointed by Speaker Mike Johnson to serve on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. This powerful committee is charged with oversight of the United States Intelligence Community, including the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of all elements of the United States Government. The Committee is led by Chairman Mike Turner of Ohio. 

Jackson said: “I am honored to accept Speaker Johnson’s appointment to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. I am eager to serve on this prestigious committee to conduct key oversight of the intelligence community and ensure their focus remains on national security and protecting the American people at home. Far too many bad actors around the world want to see America’s national security and status on the world stage destroyed, and it is critical that our intelligence community counters these efforts and keeps our country safe. Working alongside Chairman Turner, I believe we will be able to restore the American people’s complete faith in our intelligence community. I look forward to bringing my experience in the military, and as a doctor, to the committee so that I can be an asset for this incredible team led by Chairman Mike Turner.” 

Speaker Johnson said: “The House Intelligence Committee is working to keep Americans safe and to ensure proper oversight of our national security agencies. I look forward to Representative Ronny Jackson bringing his experience and important contributions to the Committee’s work.”

Chairman Turner said: “Ronny Jackson has 25 years of medical and national security experience and will bring a unique perspective to the House Intelligence Committee. I am looking forward to serving with him.” 
